Unleash the Power of LinkedIn:
Convert Your Audience to Paid Customers from your Content

For Coaches, Consultants, Sales Professionals & Founders looking to scale their reach and sales

✔ Non-Salesy Techniques:
See how my clients transform their businesses through my unique, organic techniques 

✔ No Cold Outreach: Understand the process that has converted millions in sales from a warm, inbound strategy

Strategic Guidance: Unlock my 5-step strategy for successful LinkedIn content conversion into meaningful sales

Results Focused: Learn the strategies I use to achieve elegant revenue generation and to master the art of authentic sales through LinkedIn content

✔ One single price of $150

LINKEDIN content conversion workshop has helped hundreds of people scale their reach and sales

Here are some results from these techniques...

Kirsten Granados

By implementing Richard's wicked principles with a video post I did last week I got 4 inbound prospects and set up calls with them! That same video went viral on TikTok & got an inbound closed client. Frankly Richard's coaching is so magical it cross pollinates and attracts business on other platforms too!

Emma Loveday

Closed my highest paying client at the end of last month thanks to Richards conversion mastery. They came to me through my content but admitted on the call that they were a 'terrible buyer'. They required more reassurance. Richard walked me through what today in the DM's following our call and then I took this advice through to our email correspondence. The last message - "Emma, let's do it!".

Pascalle Bergmans

2 new clients signed, Increased offering (and people signed off on that instantly), Closed a deal in the DMs (WHUT?!), & almost 20 new business calls booked! If I wasn't convinced before, I sure am now!

Geni Cor

I just closed another client yesterday and I wanted to share! She came to me through comments and profile views and it was the easiest sale ever as my profile and brand did 50% of the sale for me! Before Richard I didn't have a strategy, let alone knowing what to do with my content and it was taking me 3 to 4 calls to close people. AFTER Richard I now have a solid content strategy and consistent brand that's attracting the dream clients and closing in 1 call. THE DREAM! Thanks Richard Moore

Laura Ash

Had a massive win last week just before we went away for a few days to London. I connected with a lady on LI after she LIKED a post She said she has been following me for 1 YEAR! I invited her onto a call, she was someone I wanted to work with and I loved her energy so I made an offer for our year-long program and guess what SHE SIGNED UP!!!! So so happy AND we get to do what we love the MOST with a client who we KNOW its going to be excellent to work with! Thanks, Richard for all your help so far with this one.

David Dickey

I booked two new clients that were connected with me on Linkedln and because of my presence was always on the top of their minds. When it came to needing a recruiting partner they reached out and have two big contracts for multiple positions with a fee 25% and 20% respectfully plus engagement fees of $10k plus up front. I also had an existing client reach out two years later for 4 new positions. You never know where your next clients will come from, a post or poll, a DM or something else, but it will happen.

Michael Arthur

Just received my 4-figure payment from a client I helped who used my Successful RealEstate Investor Toolbox program!

Charlotte Lloyd

So my win this week. $1600 closed from Linkedln DM, payment received in 24 hours!!

Stefan Curcio

I just closed my first consulting client for €2k/m! Can't wait for the next sale!

Brian Rella

Big win last Friday - I closed my highest paying 1:1 coaching client to date. He came directly to me on DMs off the back of two posts he'd read, which is a first for me and a win in its own right.

Foram Brown

I have just signed a deal $$$$$ with an MIT CEO to place Women executives in their organisation. All that worked on Linkedln seems to be heading in the right direction. Thanks to the amazing Richard Moore

James Perry

I would normally never post something like this (apart from earlier in the month as it was an element of accountability) however, I actually achieved my first 5 figure invoicing month in June! I'm really delighted about it.

what's included


Discover the fundamentals of these content types and why, behaviourally, they're critical to attracting the right people in the right way.


Learn how I identify the right cues and create a pressure-free, low cadence DM process that leaves buyers willingly happy to want a call with you


See how I use specific language and phraseology to have the prospect open up but then gladly agree to a call with you to explore how you can help them further. But then, how to run the call so they feel reassured that you're 'their expert'

sounds good. let's get started!

LINKEDIN content conversion workshop has helped hundreds of people scale their reach and sales

Nausheen Chen:
Richard is a magnetic, knowledgable and inspiring presence. He's taught me how to have the right mindset when approaching a client and how you can link your growth on LinkedIn with sales. He's a people person with a rare charm that draws people towards him- we all feel that the possibilities are endless when we're around him. And that's the litmus test for a true thought leader in my books."

Pascalle Bergmans:
In my first week of working with Richard, I closed bigger deals than I had ever closed before. He helped me to 'zoom out' of my business and look at things with a new perspective. Small tweaks made a world of difference and I now work with my dream clients and charge more for my product than before. If you are looking to make that next step in your sales and want a reliable process that WORKS, check out this guy!"



Who is this workshop for?
If you're a coach, consultant, freelancer, sales professional or founder looking to scale their reach and sales through LinkedIn, this is for you.

Why is creating warm, inbound leads important?
When people want to engage, open up and speak with you, scrutiny, games, negotiation and reticence to buy all lessen, compared to cold outreach approaches.

Look, there are loads of coaches. Why should I listen to you? 
I've been selling for the past 20 years and even back in 2003 I was successfully selling digital products. Moreover I'm still a practitioner. Plenty can read the books. Many have experience too. But few stay on the pitch. Rather than "once upon a time I did this...", you'll get "here's what's working for my right now".

Moreover, hundreds of entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants and businesses have been trained in my methods over the years. It's time for you to see what's getting them the conversions you're missing out on.

What will I learn in this course?
You'll learn my favourite way to attract, engage, warm, pivot and close prospects with my Doctor Method. For years I've been social selling and now you can see the approach I've been using that works best.

Why is this so affordable?
My main objective with The LinkedIn Content Conversion Workshop is to allow as many of you as possible to access and understand the processes that can lead to you building your businesses through LinkedIn. For too long, gurus have been pushing the "just get more followers" or "just get more reach" agenda and very few help with the actual business of client acquisition.

But, that's what you're online for! So it's my mission to help as many of you get out of a frustrating place as possible.

How long will it take to see results?
I remember a student messaging me that she closed a $3,000 deal the same afternoon that she attended one of my sessions. So anything is possible. As always, it's all about application and focus. But I've made this workshop as tactical and practical as possible so you can get right out there and start deploying the techniques immediately.

If you follow the approach and apply yourself for the next few months, your business will be transformed.