Convert content
into paying clients 

Without spending hours on Linkedin doing pointless tasks
that increase your followers, but not your bank account.

Yes! i want to sign clients!

This is the exact process that has helped over 140 online businesses & entrepreneurs generate consistent sales on Linkedin. 

Through meaningful, results-focused engagement and high-powered conversion content, you can stop chasing likes and followers, and start signing clients.

This 8 module course will show you:


How to make your time on Linkedin count so you only focus on income-generating activities


How to position yourself as the authority in your space so you’re seen as the one and only option in the eyes of your ideal client


How to engage and communicate with your prospect at every single touchpoint so you can land the client rather than lose the lead


How to write content that inspires conversation and conversion so you can finally see results from your marketing efforts


How to build genuine relationships in the DM’s so you can smoothly move them toward a sales call, where appropriate


How to successfully navigate your sales calls so you can close the deal

sign me up!

Time to swap the frantic chase for a proven inbound conversion strategy

On a scale of 1-10, how frustrated are you with the lack of deals you’re closing on Linkedin right now?

Maybe one month you’re up and business feels good for a short while.

**And, breathe**

The next, it drops off a cliff and you wonder how long you can carry on with the absolute madness of growing an online business.

Clients find their way to you from time to time, and it feels incredible…

…yet you can’t help but feel like it’s a bit of a ‘fluke’.

Where business is concerned, you can’t afford to leave your income up to chance.

Here’s the truth…

The reason you aren’t signing clients on Linkedin is not because:

  • No one wants your services
  • No one cares about what you have to say
  • Your offer isn’t good enough
  • The market is oversaturated
  • Your prices are too high 
  • You don’t spend 5+ hours on the platform every day

The reason you aren’t signing clients is because:

  • You focus on vanity metrics over CONVERSION metrics
  • You don’t have a simple and effective conversion strategy to follow
  • You don’t know how to navigate a sales conversion when you DO get a lead
  • Your content doesn’t position you as a thought leader, so you’re easy to ignore
  • You don’t know what buying cues to look for, so you’re missing opportunities
  • You don’t know how to sell without being ‘salesy’

If this all sounds too familiar, you’re not alone in this.

Time to stop the willy-nilly, hope-and-pray, engage-like-a-madman-with-anyone-I-can-find, approach.


Gain relevant attention. Foster genuine relationships. Convert with elegance.

You’ve wasted enough time mucking about with the ‘tips and tricks’ big creators swear by.

➡ Comment like your life depends on it.

(How about, comment for strategic business growth?)

➡ Show up for an hour before you post.

(How about, use that hour to move prospects through the sales conversation?)

➡ Follow this template to hit a viral post

(How about, SCRAP the viral templates, write content that CONVERTS and increase relevant followers who might actually buy from you?)

➡ Live on the platform if you want to grow

(How about, figure out what time you have to give and MAKE IT COUNT?)

All the while, they haven’t told you the single most important thing…

How to help your prospects TRUST you, so they feel comfortable BUYING from you.

I don’t want to unleash the beast but I've got a bee in my perfectly coiffed bonnet about this.

You don’t need to grow a massive audience of out-of-touch followers

You need a simple system to capture the attention of future clients and a way to convert that attention once you’ve got it.

The harsh truth is this…


(Please don’t try and be one of them!)

Don’t let another month go by where you’ve given your all to Linkedin only to end the month the same way you have done… 

“Great, I’m exhausted and have no sales, yet again”


They call me ‘The King of Conversion’

I didn’t give myself that nickname - promise.

And it’s not said to brag - double promise.

I may have a swanky title like The King of Conversion neatly bestowed upon me…

But I didn’t thrive online from the get-go.

When I first began selling online, it wasn’t as easy as I’d expected.

I’d been selling over the phone successfully for years.

“If I can sell over the phone, I can sell online!” I thought.

But selling on social media, this was something else.

It required a different approach.

I had to deploy a more sophisticated connection strategy.

I had to follow up with prospects with care and curiosity.

I prioritised expert positioning over cold pitching.

Trust and authority building was given precedence over out-and-out selling.


I’ve been successfully selling online for over ten years and for the past five on LinkedIn now.

I’ve grown a following of 70K (although, follower count is not what we’re aiming for, remember).

In the last few years alone, I’ve signed 140 high-ticket clients into my group program using the exact methods I’m going to share with you in this course.

With 20 years of experience in sales, I’m a bit of a dinosaur.

(A dinosaur that has moved with the times, kept what worked, and ditched what didn’t).

Here’s the thing…

I’m not Mr.Popular.

(I certainly don’t view myself as an ‘influencer’)

But my diary is full, my inbox is bursting, and more clients join my programs on a daily basis.

This happened long before my reach, engagement, and follower count got to where they are now.

I started exactly where you are.

As did my clients.

So I NEED you to believe that I’m not special (no, really). 

You can leverage Linkedin to grow a 6 or 7 figure online business when you know the HOW.

And I’m going to give it to you.

Here are just a handful of recent results my clients have seen for themselves from the Linkedin Client Accelerator (my group program that uses this exact course as it’s core curriculum):

  • £13K worth of sales off the back of one post
  • Launched a group program and made $9K in less than 48hours
  • I’ve gone on to generate more revenue with elegance and ease
  • Had their highest earning income month after only 3 weeks
  • Closed a deal with a PERFECT CLIENT for 4 figures, after only two weeks
  • Signed a client within days of working together and has been signing them ever since
  • Closed 5 new clients, raised their rates, and developed some much-needed sales confidence within the first month 

Once you learn the nuances of trust building and authority positioning…

Once you opt for a VALUE-first and PEOPLE-first approach…

You will have success on Linkedin. 

(Lifetime Access)

Everything you need to sign clients on Linkedin:



  • How we’ll build you, your presence, and your strategy on LinkedIn, to get new clients as a consultant

  • Some essential rules for making this course a roaring success and remaining results-focused

  • Your module assignments - the key to winning



  • How to understand and fix impostor syndrome and self-doubt

  • Create positive feedback loops for compound success

  • Five productivity hacks to 10x your daily output



  • Understanding how your niche will gain you rapid traction

  • Mapping your niche to get hyper-targeted

  • Creating your irresistible offer



  • The need-to-know basics of personal branding

  • The L.E.A.D system to position yourself as an expert

  • How to use consistency to leverage familiarity and warm leads

  • Social proof: three simple ways to use testimonials to convert new clients



  • Content: foolproof guidelines that get engagement every time

  • Stop the scroll with a pattern interrupt

  • The first small conversion: using calls to action

  • Identify leads from your content: “The Three Buckets”



  • Failsafe connection: using the “comment, comment, connect” play

  • Connect using curiosity & get accepted 99% of the time.

  • The message formula that always gets a response

  • Start the connection - how to make prospects receptive to a conversation.

  • Qualification and validation of prospects: the most important three questions you’ll ask!


The magic moment: pivoting to and closing the sale

  • Gain permission to ask using two “cues”.

  • How to ask for a discovery call and always get a yes

  • Call structure: how to close in one shot


The secret to scale: managing your community

  • “The List” - how to keep on your audience’s radar

  • Using collaboration to validate connections

  • The perception of you in the community


  1. Weekly LI Actions - keep focused on the right tasks
  2. Use Lead Magnets in CTA’s - grow your email list and start a conversation
  3. Doctor Method Explained - position yourself as the expert they need
  4. Get Out of the Friend Zone - help people raise their hand to work with you
  5. Onboarding Call - deep dive into the transition from DM to call
  6. Extract their struggle - speak clearly to their pain and offer a desirable solution
  7. The Specific Question - isolate their need so you can make a hard-to-refuse offer

Choose your payment preference

Full Payment
one-off full payment
purchase course
✔ Full course access
✔ Worksheets
✔ Lifetime Access
✔ Bonuses
Part Payment
$600 x 2
two payments
purchase course
✔ Full course access
✔ Worksheets
✔ Lifetime Access
✔ Bonuses

By the end of this program, you will no longer spend valuable time and effort on Linkedin feeling frustrated and defeated with no clients to show for it

Instead, you will know how to:

  • Craft a spine-tingling offer that prospects feel compelled to explore
  • Write authority content that keeps you front of mind as the one-and-only option on your prospect's radar
  • Elegantly navigate a sales conversation from content, to DM, to call.
  • Drive engagement that results in conversations and inquiries
  • Optimize your time on Linkedin with a focus on conversion rather than views

But don’t just take my word for it.


Here are some results from my past students...


this programme isn't for everyone!!

Can I be honest with you?

I don’t want any old Tom, Dick, or Sally nabbing this course.

It’s a waste of your time if you just want to gain followers, hit a few viral posts, become an influencer, and bask in the dopamine hit of that red notification bell.

Let’s be clear from the get-go…

This program is not for you if:

  • You don’t see Linkedin as a platform of ENDLESS possibilities
  • You don’t want to do the work (go ahead and hire a ghostwriter/agency)
  • You don’t want to spend more than ten minutes on Linkedin each day (you don’t have to LIVE there but, if you want to close 5-figure deals you will have to put the time in)
  • You’re going to crumble at seemingly lower vanity metrics
  • You’d prefer cold outbound marketing (no shame, crack on!)


If you’re ready to master the nuances of selling online (so selling feels like a conversation rather than a hunt)...

And if you’re ready to generate quality inbound leads and a consistent stream of clients using Linkedin…

This is for you.

Yes! i want to sign clients!