Have you ever wondered why some posts on LinkedIn get more attention than others?

Why do some posts get hundreds of likes and comments, while others barely get a glance?

The answer lies in the quality of the content.

But what makes content worth reading?

Let's dive into it.

In this post, I'll share my insights on the difference between content that's worth reading and content that isn’t.

I’ll also provide practical tips on how to create posts that not only grab attention but also position you as an expert in your field.

So, let's get started!

The Content That Gets Ignored

First, let's talk about the type of content that often gets ignored.

These are the posts you probably scroll past without giving a second thought.


Clichés are overused phrases or ideas that have lost their impact.

They're often seen as lazy writing because they don’t require much thought or creativity.

While they might be easy to write, they don’t offer much value to the reader.

For example, telling your audience, “We’re worth it” or “The universe will deliver if we believe” might motivate some, but it won’t make your audience think: “Wow, this is the expert I need to solve my problem.”

Obvious Observations

Obvious observations don’t provide any new or insightful information.

They’re things most people already know or can figure out on their own.

While they might be true, they don’t offer much value to the reader.

For instance, telling your audience, “Hard work pays off” or “Success doesn’t come overnight” might be accurate, but it’s not going to make your audience think: “Now that’s the expert I need.”

The Content That Gets Attention

Now, let’s talk about the type of content that captures attention.

These posts make people stop scrolling and start reading.

A Display of Mastery on a Topic

Posts that show deep understanding are more likely to get attention.

They display knowledge and experience, which makes the author credible and trustworthy.

These posts often include detailed explanations, insightful analyses, and practical advice.

For example, a post explaining the latest trends in digital marketing or providing a step-by-step guide on creating a successful social media strategy is more likely to attract attention than a post merely stating, “Digital marketing is important.”

A Commonly Held Belief But With a Twist

Posts that challenge common beliefs or provide a new perspective also tend to attract attention.

They provoke thought and stimulate discussion, making them more engaging.

For instance, a post arguing that “Failure is not the opposite of success, but part of it” or that “Work-life balance is a myth” is more likely to draw attention than one that simply states, “Success requires hard work” or “Work-life balance is important.”

Positioning Yourself as an Expert

While gaining attention is important, it’s not enough.

You also need to position yourself as an expert in your field.

This will make your audience think: “Now THAT is the expert I need to solve my problem.”

Sharing Your Expertise

Positioning yourself as an expert involves sharing valuable information that your audience can’t find elsewhere.

It also means demonstrating your knowledge through examples and case studies.

For instance, if you’re a digital marketing expert, you could share insights on the latest trends, provide practical tips on improving a social media strategy, or showcase a successful campaign you’ve worked on.

Engaging with Your Audience

Engaging with your audience is another way to position yourself as an expert.

This means responding to comments, answering questions, and participating in discussions.

It shows that you value their input and are confident in your expertise.

For example, if someone comments on your post, thank them for their input, answer their questions, or engage in a meaningful discussion with them.

This engagement demonstrates your knowledge and makes you more approachable.


Creating content that stands out isn’t about racking up the most likes or comments.

It’s about providing value to your audience and positioning yourself as an expert in your field.

To truly capture attention and solidify your credibility, consider diving into how to consistently create impactful content with the right strategy.

Check out the Attraction to Content Bundle to learn more about crafting posts that not only engage but also help build your authority.

With the right approach, you’ll see both your content and your audience grow in meaningful ways.

I’m a conversion coach and I specialize in helping coaches & consultants convert from their content. For over 6.5 years now, I’ve successfully helped scores of businesses convert through their content on the platform. Before that, I did the same with Facebook and for the ten years before all that, I converted multiple-millions in sales in the City of London, in my corporate jobs. But now I’m here, bringing all this experience to help coaches & consultants fix this frustrating issue. Properly. Elegantly. Organically.


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