Have you ever found yourself frustrated with LinkedIn, feeling like you're spinning your wheels and getting nowhere?

You're not alone.

I recently had a conversation with a friend, Richard, who was at his wit's end.

He had been sending templated messages every day for two months straight, with no results to show for it.

His frustration was palpable, and I could tell he was ready to throw in the towel.

Richard's story is not unique.

Many of us have been led to believe that certain strategies, like sending out a set number of messages every day, will automatically lead to deals.

But the truth is, these tactics often fall flat.


Because they're based on myths, not reality.

In this post, I'm going to debunk the top five LinkedIn myths that I hear most often.

And I'll show you a better, more organic approach to growth on LinkedIn.

Myth #1: Sending Out Mass Messages Will Get You Deals

Let's start with the myth that led Richard down the wrong path: the idea that sending out a set number of templated messages every day will get you deals.

This approach is impersonal and often comes across as spammy.

It's no wonder Richard wasn't getting any responses.

The Reality: Personalized Outreach Works Best

People want to feel seen and heard.

They want to know that you're genuinely interested in them and what they have to offer.

That's why personalized outreach works best.

Instead of sending out mass messages, take the time to research your prospects and tailor your messages to them.

Show them that you've taken the time to understand their needs and how you can help meet them.

Remember, people buy from people they like and trust.

And trust is built through genuine, personalized interactions, not mass messages.

How to Implement This Strategy

Start by identifying your ideal prospects.

Then, research their profiles to understand their needs, interests, and pain points.

Use this information to craft personalized messages that show you understand them and can provide value.

Be genuine, be helpful, and most importantly, be human.

And remember, this isn't a one-and-done deal.

Building relationships takes time.

Be patient, be persistent, and the results will come.

Myth #2: You Need to Pitch Your Product or Service Right Away

Another common myth is that you need to pitch your product or service right away.

This approach can come across as pushy and can turn people off.

The Reality: People Buy When They're Ready

People buy when they're ready, not when you're ready to sell.

Instead of pushing your product or service, focus on building relationships and providing value.

Show your prospects that you're invested in their success, and they'll be more likely to buy from you when they're ready.

Remember, people buy from people they trust.

And trust is built over time, through consistent, valuable interactions.

How to Implement This Strategy

Instead of pitching your product or service, focus on providing value.

Share helpful content, answer questions, and engage in meaningful conversations.

Show your prospects that you're a trusted resource, and they'll be more likely to turn to you when they're ready to buy.

And remember, this isn't about making a quick sale.

It's about building long-term relationships that lead to repeat business and referrals.

Myth #3: LinkedIn is Just for Job Hunting

The third myth is that LinkedIn is just for job hunting.

While it's true that LinkedIn is a great platform for job seekers, it's also a powerful tool for business growth.

The Reality: LinkedIn is a Powerful Business Tool

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for business growth.

It's a platform where you can connect with potential clients, partners, and influencers in your industry.

It's a place where you can share your expertise, build your brand, and grow your business.

So, if you're only using LinkedIn for job hunting, you're missing out on a huge opportunity.

How to Implement This Strategy

Start by optimizing your LinkedIn profile for business growth.

Highlight your expertise, showcase your successes, and make it clear what you bring to the table.

Then, start connecting with potential clients, partners, and influencers in your industry.

Engage in conversations, share valuable content, and show your audience that you're a trusted resource.

And remember, LinkedIn is a long game.

It takes time to build relationships and see results.

But with patience and persistence, you can use LinkedIn to significantly grow your business.


LinkedIn is a powerful tool for business growth, but only if you use it correctly.

By debunking these myths and implementing the strategies I've shared, you can start to see real, organic growth on LinkedIn.

Remember, it's all about building relationships, providing value, and showing your audience that you're a trusted resource.

Start with the right strategy to connect deeply with your audience.

To further refine your messaging and ensure you get those results, dive into the DMS to Calls Bundle to master your outreach and conversion strategies.

I’m a conversion coach and I specialize in helping coaches & consultants convert from their content. For over 6.5 years now, I’ve successfully helped scores of businesses convert through their content on the platform. Before that, I did the same with Facebook and for the ten years before all that, I converted multiple-millions in sales in the City of London, in my corporate jobs. But now I’m here, bringing all this experience to help coaches & consultants fix this frustrating issue. Properly. Elegantly. Organically.


Explore our portfolio.

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To ensure the best fit and deliver optimal results, interested individuals are required to apply for the LinkedIn Client Accelerator. This personalized approach allows us to understand each participant's unique goals and determine if the program can effectively support your growth on LinkedIn.